
Cosmetic Tattoo Perth – Which think You Need to Know



Getting a cosmetic tattoo Perth is a popular way to enhance your eyebrows and eyeliner. The process involves applying specialised pigments to the upper layers of the skin. The pigments are designed to fade over time. This means you won’t have to wear makeup every day. It’s also an ideal choice for busy people.

The procedure is performed by a qualified cosmetic tattoo artist. The specialist uses a needle to repeatedly penetrate the skin. The pigments are matched to your skin colour. This process is very similar to getting a regular tattoo, except you won’t have to worry about removing makeup afterward. This method is especially good for those who have oily or sensitive skin. You can use healing ointments to accelerate the regeneration process.

After your procedure, you will have a series of follow-up cosmetic tattoo Perth. These appointments are scheduled 4-8 weeks apart, to ensure the top dermal layer of your skin is properly healed. There are special creams to help with irritation and inflammation. It’s important to follow the aftercare instructions so the tattoo isn’t damaged during the healing period.

It’s important to know that it will take a few days for the pigment to heal. It is advisable to avoid direct sunlight and other UV rays during the healing process. During the first week, the crusts will be visible underneath the tattoo. The crusts are not visible from the second day onwards, and the final healing occurs in 3-4 weeks. The crusts are removed in large pieces after the seventh day. If you don’t want the crust to form, you should apply a hygienic lipstick or lip balm.

The price of a cosmetic tattoo Perth treatment is usually the same as a regular tattoo, although some artists offer a discount. The cost includes a consultation, a new shape drawn on and a pigment colour chosen. You’ll also receive an aftercare pack. Numbing creams are not included in the price, and you’ll have to pay for them at a pharmacy.

In order to have a cosmetic tattoo, you’ll need to make two appointments. The first appointment will be for a consultation, which will include all your questions answered. You’ll also be able to try a test patch. You’ll be asked to pay a $100 deposit. This will be refunded within 60 days. If you cancel the consultation without enough notice, you won’t be refunded. If you don’t have a credit card, you will have to pay a $50 booking fee. The booking fee will be deducted from the day of your appointment.

The cosmetic tattoo Perth procedure takes place in a sterile environment. The therapist will apply a special cream to the affected area to relieve irritation and inflammation. The therapist will then apply a protective layer of sunscreen. If you’re undergoing the process for the first time, you’ll have a touch-up session 6-8 weeks after the initial procedure. Depending on your skin type and lifestyle, the pigment shade may change. If the shade does, a touch-up is required to fill in the faded areas.